​​Mellanni Queen Sheet Set - Hotel Luxury 1800 Bedding

How to Wake Up Early In The Morning

Are you a night owl living in a morning bird's world? The most productive hours of the day for the majority of the population take place in the morning, so how can you train yourself to join the energetic entrepreneurs who have checked off their to-do list before 9 a.m.? We've taken a look at how waking up earlier can be beneficial to your health and well-being and compiled a list of tips for you to put into practice to fall asleep easier and become an early riser.

Benefits of waking up early

Medical associations have found that waking up early can help people be more efficient with their time, more productive, and more successful. According to peer-reviewed studies, it can be beneficial to your mood, making you feel more calm and happy. Taking the extra time for self-development not only boosts your confidence and decreases stress but will keep you from procrastinating throughout the day. 

Disadvantages of waking up early

Getting up early is terrific because you can squeeze in more activities in the same 24 hours that we all have in a day, but one pitfall is excessive daytime sleepiness. If you set your alarm too early, you'll find that you'll experience daytime sleepiness and start to feel sleepy around mid-day. 

Sleep studies have indicated that excessive daytime sleepiness can also be caused by sleep deprivation, sleep medications, and obstructive sleep apnea. ​​Sleep apnea is the most common sleep-related condition. Those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea will find that their breathing stops and starts while they sleep because their upper airway is blocked, usually by the tongue and cheeks. This makes the body have to work harder to open your airway and pull air into your lungs which can cause shallow or loss of breath. If you are experiencing daytime sleepiness or another sleep disorder, talk to a sleep specialist to help you find the best form of treatment for you. 

Bedtime routine

A nighttime routine is a personalized order of activities that you can do before bed that helps you get enough sleep. Believe it or not, getting up earlier starts the night before with a solid bedtime routine.

Prepare the night before

Start tomorrow on the right foot by making some decisions the night before that will help you when you are feeling groggy. Think about what clothes you will wear and lay them out to get dressed quickly. Plan your meals to ensure you are getting good nutrition all day long and aren't caught without a snack at the 3 p.m. slump. Think about what activities you will be doing and what accomplishments you want to complete the next day. 

Write down your to-do list before bedtime

One of the best ways to set yourself up for a better tomorrow is to make your to-do list the night before. Peer-reviewed studies have shown that writing down what you have to do unburdens the brain and allows you to relax and unwind instead of thinking about your daily tasks. You can write your list down in a journal, on your phone or computer, or with an app to help you clear your head. Fall asleep earlier, knowing that you are ready for tomorrow. 

Put a limit on screen time

Exposing yourself to blue light from your smartphone, tablet, or computer before bedtime negatively influences the quality of your sleep. Limiting how much blue light you get before bedtime is recommended by the Sleep Foundation for those with a sleep disorder trying to go to bed early. Power down all electronic devices at least an hour before bed and pick up a book instead until you feel sleepy. 

Follow the circadian rhythm 

We all naturally have a circadian rhythm that makes our body's internal clock function. All living things have circadian rhythms, and it is crucial in forming our sleep schedule. During the day, it's normal to experience drops in alertness and other times of increased wakefulness. 

Melatonin is the hormone that makes us tired and stay asleep all night. According to our circadian rhythm, the two times when people feel the most exhausted and want to sleep are between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Adults start getting sleepy at around 11 o'clock p.m. when melatonin levels begin to rise. Energy levels increase again in the morning as melatonin production drops. 

Fall asleep at the right time

Studies show that the essential factor of sleep is how much REM sleep you get. According to the Sleep Foundation, sleeping for 7 1/2 hours can make it easier for the body to wake up and feel more refreshed. Getting up in the middle of a REM cycle can make you feel groggy—plan on getting enough sleep by counting backward from the time you need to get up. 

Increase Your Quality of Sleep

The best way to start the day is with a good night's rest the night before. Here are some tips to help you sleep earlier and wake up feeling ready to take on the day. 

Cut down on caffeine

A hot cup of coffee or tea is essential during the day, but caffeine affects our sleep quality at night. Try drinking herbal teas or plain water before getting into bed, so you don't affect your sleep schedule. Falling asleep earlier with the help of a warm herbal tea will help you to wake up earlier. Several hours before bed, do not consume any caffeine. 

Sleep on high-quality bedding 

Slipping into comfy sheets after a warm bath will make sleeping more enjoyable. The Mellanni Queen Sheet Set - Hotel Luxury 1800 Bedding is made with the highest quality brushed microfiber that is super soft and built to last. If you are a hot sleeper or have sensitive skin try the Mellanni Organic Cotton sheet set made with classic crisp cotton that gets softer with each wash. 

Add a mattress pad to upgrade your mattress and give your body extra support to sleep soundly. Plus, this will help protect your mattress from dirt and dust. 

Make sure you have the suitable pillows

Using the wrong pillows can cause body aches and other posture problems, making you feel unrested. Having a few bed pillows for your head and a body pillow case to support your knees and spine makes sleeping comfortably possible. If you want to bring a touch of luxury to your bedding, use a silk pillowcase to leave your hair and skin feeling soft.

Avoid eating big meals

Plan to have your last meal of the day 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you go to sleep with a full stomach, your digestive system won't be able to work as effectively and will negatively impact your sleep. Laying down is also not an ideal position for digestion and may cause acid reflux. If you are feeling hungry, have a small snack like nuts, popcorn, yogurt, or a glass of milk, so you don't wake up to raid the fridge in the middle of the night. 

Waking up

Mornings aren't for everyone, but what makes an earlier riser so good at waking up? Learn how to wake up early and make this part of the day easier. 

Wake up at the same time

If you want to go to bed earlier, consider the natural circadian rhythm and REM cycles when choosing a bedtime and wake-up time to increase the effectiveness and consistency of your routines. Your brain will adapt to your sleep schedule if you are used to going to bed and getting up at the same hour each day.

Start slowly

Start to set your alarm a bit earlier each day. If you're used to staying in bed until noon, becoming an early bird and suddenly waking up at 6 a.m. will be a rude awakening. While forming this new habit, don't make drastic changes and take it slow. Try going back in 10 min increments. For example, if you want to wake up at 6 a.m. and you usually wake up at 7 you will meet your goal in a week. 

Don't hit the snooze button

We all want that five extra minutes, but are you getting quality sleep if you snooze? Most likely not. The snooze button on your clock or phone alarm is designed to give you a few more minutes, but for those of us who aren't seasoned early risers, a few minutes can easily become a few hours of poor sleep. 

Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room

This is the best way to wake up and get up in the morning. By putting the alarm on the other side of the room, you won't be able to hit snooze. This morning person trick will jump-start muscles in your body and boost your energy levels to avoid going back to sleep. You've already got out of bed to turn off the alarm, so you might as well start your day!

Try a light-up alarm clock to wake up early

Sunrise alarm clocks have become popular because they allow users to wake up more naturally. These alarm clocks use natural light therapy to mimic the sunrise by slowly exposing the user to a warm light that gets brighter and brighter over 30 minutes to an hour. This is different from traditional alarm clocks or phone alarms that use sounds to wake us up, which can be startling and cause cardiovascular stress. 

Make a morning routine

After a good night's sleep, the final step in getting up early is creating a morning routine that helps you get centered and excited for the day ahead. Early rising doesn't happen overnight; it takes about 30 days to form any habit, so get started today. 

What makes a good routine?

The best morning routine is one that you can stick to. Consistency is vital, so try to keep it simple. Don't try to do more than three activities and spend an hour on each one. Read up on what some of our admired business leaders and celebrities do every morning to get inspiration for your ideal morning. 

Have an activity ready to go

When you wake up early you should have a few activities that you do automatically. Splash water on your face, brush your teeth, and drink a glass of water to activate your senses and feel awake. Soon you'll feel like you are on autopilot when you wake up and will want to do these activities every morning to wake up fully.  

Make your mornings more rewarding

Do something that you love to do so that you are excited to get up in the morning. Here are a few examples of things you can do with your extra time in the morning: 

  • Journal

  • Work out

  • Meditate

  • Read a book 

  • Take a course 

  • Talk to a friend on the phone

  • Work on your passion project or business

  • Spend time with family and friends

What are some things you shouldn’t do in the morning? 

Don't check your phone or email right away in the morning. This can start you off on the wrong foot by bombarding your brain with stimulation. Use the morning time to set your intentions and invoke a sense of calm that will follow you throughout the day. Once your routine is over, you can check your social media and email accounts for the day. 

What if I get tired during the day?

Feeling tired is expected at first, so feel free to take a nap in the middle of the day. Public health experts suggest that a reasonable amount of time to sleep during a nap is between 10 and 20 minutes to avoid negatively affecting your sleep schedule. Napping for hours is never a good idea. 

Is it okay to sleep in on the weekends?

This depends on your personal preference. In the beginning, when you are still developing a habit, wake up at the same time on the weekends. Later, when your practice becomes more robust, you can indulge in sleeping in.

What if you skip waking up early?

Sometimes life gets in the way, and you may have to complete a project for work or get lost in the moment with friends and stay up late. Don't worry about missing your wake-up time for 2-3 days, but it may be challenging to start your new habit of waking up early again if you skip more than that. 

Final Thoughts

Waking up early can feel like a considerable effort, but you'll be excited to get out of bed every morning when you set up the ideal routines. Start with getting a good night’s rest with these bedding staples: 

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